HerMetabolism.org -No Daughter Left Behind

Free evidence-based Nonpartisan Science and Education About Her Metabolism

Her Metabolism is a Minnesota USA Nonprofit (501c3), offering free nonpartisan evidence-based science and education about her metabolism.


Prenatal Child-sacrifice (Abortion)

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Updated and Verified: October 16, 2024 (News page records significant changes.)

Abortion has two kinds: spontaneous and elective. Spontaneous abortion is accidental and more commonly called miscarriage. Elective abortion is the sacrificial killing of a kid in utero (in the womb). For this writing, abortion means sacrificially killing babies in utero: prenatal child-sacrifice.

Prenatal Child-sacrifice (Abortion) Routinely Kills the Mother

Abortion also routinely kills the mother. For example, the journal Reviews in Obstetrics & Gynecology reports that about 68,000 mothers per year who seek to kill her baby - will end up joining her baby in death.1 When a mother joins her baby in death from abortion, some researchers euphemize this as an unsafe abortion. Based on the euphemism of unsafe baby-killing, baby-killing advocates often warn that laws against killing babies are unhealthy and dangerous.2 In any case, killing a person in her womb significantly harms her metabolism.

Pregnancy Metabolically Differentiates the Two Sexes

Her metabolism is the sum of her body's chemical interactions. Since only she, not he, can carry a baby, thus pregnancy fundamentally differentiates her and his metabolism. Abortion significantly harms her metabolism. For example, abortion causes a huge increase in her risk of cancer.

"Abortion Causes Cancer": A Scientific Statement

Prenatal Child-sacrifice (Abortion) causes cancer. Political people will interpret that as a political statement. Here, it is not. Rather, it objectively states common knowledge. As an example, a recent report, published in 2023 by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, summarized a 10-year longitudinal population-based cohort study in Taiwan that looked at data from more than a million women aged 20 to 45 and found massive increases in cancers among women who had killed their child in utero.3

Her Metabolism Transcends Politics

Prenatal Child-sacrifice (Abortion) creates massive risks and harms for the pregnant mother's metabolism, including a massive increase in cancer risk.3 Despite the health risk to her metabolism from prenatal child-sacrifice (abortion), many government patriarchs and their agents give her the privilege to commit prenatal child-sacrifice. The politics of this privilege tends to obscure and even falsify information about the myriad risks and harms to her metabolism by child-sacrifice. For example, millionaire abortionists at Planned Parenthood groan that "[c]laims linking abortion and breast cancer fly in the face of scientific evidence" and that various organizations "have all refuted the reliability of such an association [between abortion and breast cancer]."4 Yet, three paragraphs later, the same millionaire and billionaire abortionists report that "[i]t is known that having a full-term pregnancy early in a woman's childbearing years is protective against breast cancer."4

That statement refers to the common knowledge that being a mom in her teens, instead of in her 20s, halves her risk of breast cancer.5 That same science, phrased contrapositively, states that avoiding pregnancy in her teens doubles her breast cancer risk. Logically, the purpose of killing a kid in the womb is to avoid pregnancy. Thus, logically also: kid-killing, as the tool for childlessness, doubles her risk of breast cancer - by causing the childlessness that doubles her risk.

Every year, millions of mothers ask - and surely millions more silently wonder - whether killing her in utero kid by prenatal child-sacrifice is metabolically safe for her. A strained, convoluted, and politicized "yes" is scientifically inaccurate. Common knowledge about the science of her metabolism shows that avoiding motherhood has massive risks and harms to her metabolism, including a doubling of her breast cancer risk.5 Nevertheless, pro-child-sacrifice agents throughout the world constantly publish unscientific research that limply suggests that committing a prenatal child-sacrifice (abortion) actually protects a mother from cancer.3

Learn More About Metabolism and Cancer Through Psycho-oncology

Oncology studies cancer. Some researchers (oncologists and otherwise) focus on the metabolics of cancer.6 One way to learn more about risks and resilience regarding the metabolics of cancer (caused by abortion or not) is to a consult a psycho-oncologist: medical doctors who specialize in cancer generally and further specialize in the relatively new field of psycho-oncology, which acknowledges that "[p]sychosocial issues may modulate the course of the disease [cancer] . . . [, do] have a deep impact on patients' physical and mental wellbeing. . . . [, may cause] metabolic disorders [, and] may disrupt a patient's feeling of purpose."7 Available online is a free hour-long introduction to psycho-oncology, by Dr. Alex J Mitchell at University of Leicester.8 The Mary Greeley Medical Center also has a free video about integrating psycho-oncology into cancer care.9



  1. Haddad LB, Nour NM. Unsafe abortion: Unnecessary maternal mortality. Rev Obstet Gynecol. 2009;2(2):122-126. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2709326/
  2. Donovan MK. D&E abortion bans: The implications of banning the most common second-trimester procedure. Guttmacher Institute. Published February 16, 2017. Accessed June 14, 2024. https://www.guttmacher.org/gpr/2017/02/de-abortion-bans-implications-banning-most-common-second-trimester-procedure
  3. Shen CT, Tai SY, Tsao YH, Chen FM, Hsieh HM. Abortion and female cancer risks among women aged 20 to 45 years: A 10-year longitudinal population-based cohort study in Taiwan. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023,20(4):3682. http://doi.org/doi:10.3390/ijerph20043682
  4. Myths about abortion and breast cancer. Planned Parenthood. Published 2013. Accessed May 20, 2024. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/uploads/filer_public/af/1a/af1ae95f-de81-43dd-91a3-470043b06dce/myths_about_abortion_and_breast_cancer.pdf
  5. Teen Motherhood and Breast Cancer. Her Metabolism. https://hermetabolism.org/womanhood/motherhood/teen-motherhood/teen-motherhood-and-breast-cancer/
  6. Stine ZE, Schug ZT, Salvino JM, Dang CV. Targeting cancer metabolism in the era of precision oncology. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2022;21(2):141-162. http://doi.org/doi:10.1038/s41573-021-00339-6
  7. Lang-Rollin I, Berberich G. Psycho-oncology. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2018;20(1):13-22. http://doi.org/doi:10.1038/s41573-021-00339-6
  8. Lecture: Introduction to Psycho-Oncology: Alex J Mitchell at University of Leicester (60mins). YouTube; 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyZna9s04XQ
  9. Integrating Psycho-Oncology in Cancer Care: Updates and Best Practices 2/21/18. YouTube; 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gky_o8gaOw

Medical, Legal, and Metabolic Advice

Here in the USA, it is generally illegal and a bad idea for anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed physician to give medical advice, anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed attorney to give legal advice, anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed nutritionist or registered dietician to give metabolic advice, and so forth. This website's information is generally incomplete to predict how applying it may affect a given visitor - because the effects depend on the person's unique circumstances and characteristics.

So, here is the only medical, legal, and metabolic advice on this website: None of this website is individualized medical, legal, or metabolic advice. It is general information. You should not try to apply any of this information to your life, unless you know what you are doing. Generally, the governments of USA's jurisdictions (states and territories) declare two things through law:

  1. Without the guidance of a jurisdiction-licensed physician, attorney, or nutritionist: you do not know what you are doing, so it is unwise and unsafe for you to make too many decision about your medical, legal, and metabolic status and circumstances, and
  2. no one but a licensed physician, attorney, or nutritionist can safely and effectively advise you about those statuses and circumstances - thus, it is generally illegal for anyone else to try.

Obviously, those standards are extremely conservative, if not heavy-handed. However, one should remember that many of those people in government who uphold such strict standards have seen the stuff of nightmares: predictable, preventable, terrible consequences when the least capable and least conscientious people make the worst decisions - whether medically, legally, nutritionally, or otherwise. So, it is not wildly unreasonable to promote - even to legally command - erring on the safe side. Still, various jurisdictions do provide some exceptions to those exceptionally strict standards under law.

Here in Minnesota (and in many other U.S. states and territories) a person can help you with certain aspects of your medical, legal, and metabolic status and circumstances - even when that person is not formally licensed by the jurisdiction. Minnesota, for example, allows various people besides licensed nutritionists and registered dieticians to give metabolic advice and guidance: certain Complementary and Alternative Health Care providers, which Minnesota allows under law. Minn. Stat. ยง 146A. Thus, one need not feel completely locked into the strict standards listed above (though jurisdictions do typically still hold alternative providers to certain basic standards under law). Instead, in the USA, one can discuss the information on this website, and receive guidance about it, from various experts - whether jurisdiction-licensed or not. Meanwhile, this thorough and smart-sounding notice and explanation should not tempt any visitor into having any extra trust for the information in this website. At most, as the saying goes: "trust but verify."


Dr. R. Floyd Lindquist

Her Metabolism: Founder, Treasurer, Secretary, Lead Data Scientist, and Director of Communications and Research

PhD (Thanatology), PsyD (Psychology), DLP (Law and Policy), MPH (Nutrition & Epidemiology), MS (Nutrition), MA (Counseling)


Her Metabolism is a Minnesota Nonprofit (501c3)