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Free evidence-based Nonpartisan Science and Education About Her Metabolism

Her Metabolism is a Minnesota USA Nonprofit (501c3), offering free nonpartisan evidence-based science and education about her metabolism.


Hysteria (Disobedient Wife Disorder)

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Updated and Verified: October 18, 2024 (News page records significant changes.)

This page contains nonpartisan evidence-based science and education about her metabolism, specifically about hysteria. All factual points are fully referenced, with citations to either or both (a) leading scholars and experts in relevant fields, and (b) data and analysis in leading peer-reviewed academic publications in relevant fields.

Psychiatric Diagnosis: Stigma Arbitrary, Unscientific - and Harmful to Her Metabolism

Hysteria is a psychiatric diagnosis of mental-illness by the ideology of psychiatry, which is a form of slavery. Also, psychiatry is entirely arbitrary and subjective. To decide on a psychiatric diagnosis, psychiatrists and other clinicians rely completely on arbitrary measures based on their own intuition and subjective judgment, according leading psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Insel.1 Thus, psychiatric diagnoses, and the mental-illnesses that they allegedly treat, are unscientific social inventions with no basis in objective reality - biologic or otherwise. According to leading psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz (1920-2012), diagnoses for mental-illness are simply social stigmatization.2 One of the best-established psychosocial pathogenic vectors is that stigma harms her metabolism.3 Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that the stigma of psychiatry generally tends to harm her metabolism.

Psychiatry: Big (Arbitrary, Unscientific) Business

Leading clinicians have presented evidence and analysis that would reasonably suggest that the millionaires and billionaires of the psychiatry industry (the psychiatry-government-complex) have made mountains of money by echoing various vague, unhelpful, arbitrary, intuitive, subjective, socially invented, unscientific - abusive - psychiatric diagnoses.4-8

Hysteria: An Example of Psychiatry's Arbitrary and Unscientific Metabolic Harm

Hysteria is one example of the metabolic harm that routinely arises by the arbitrary and unscientific ideology of psychiatry. Instead of the unscientific term hysteria, one can use the simple, helpful, reasonable, and accurate term disobedience.9 Thus, analysis of disobedience suffices when considering psychiatry's unscientific, ideological, and abusive diagnosis of hysteria.

Criteria to Diagnose Hysteria

It may seem ridiculous to distill supposed hysteria as disobedience. Yet, one need only consider some of the unscientific, arbitrary, and abusive criteria to diagnose hysteria, according to the ideology of psychiatry:

Obviously, only an unscientific control-freak would use the above criteria to stigmatize a person as having a mental disorder. Equally obvious is that hysteria, as defined by the ideologues of psychiatry who define it, amounts to nothing scientific at all: just the arbitrary and abusive stigmatization of women and girls who supposedly suffer from the mental illness of disobedience. And again: stigma routinely harms her metabolism.3

Evaluating Credibility: Psychiatrists Who Diagnose Supposed Hysteria - Are Routinely Suicidal

One would hardly trust a scrawny or obese chef, nor trust a baby sitter whose siblings hate her - because by their works, we know them. Much less can one reasonably trust an ideology whose miserable leaders routinely kill themselves. Psychiatry is just such an ideology. Indeed, the ideology of psychiatry has an ongoing epidemic of suicide - among the psychiatrists, themselves.10 Obviously, no good counseling about how to live and act could ever come from someone who cannot even nearly manage their own life. Thus, it is reasonable to dismiss suicidal psychiatrists as unreasonable, unhelpful - and dangerous.

Summary of Hysteria's Metabolic Harms

Hysteria is a psychiatric diagnosis of supposed mental illness. As indicated above: to decide on a psychiatric diagnosis psychiatrists and other clinicians rely completely on arbitrary measures based on their own intuition and subjective judgment.1-2,4-8 Thus, hysteria is an unscientific and abusive social stigma with no basis in objective reality - biologic or otherwise. And abusive stigma routinely harms her metabolism.3

Addendum: History of Hysteria

The unscientific and arbitrary stigma of hysteria has harmed her metabolism for generations. One person to report about this was eminent psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz (1920-2012). In his book Psychiatric Slavery, Dr. Szasz reports how psychiatrists have caged wives for supposed hysteria, based on no supposed evidence besides reports from her husband.6 Other academics have reported that hysteria represented the groundless pathologizing of "basically . . . everything that men found mysterious or unmanageable in women."11 In Psychiatric Slavery, psychiatrist Dr. Szaz describes, at length, the myriad ways that such stigma may predictably harmed her metabolism.3 Both sexes have suffered metabolically from the unscientific stigma of hysteria by the arbitrary and subjective ideology of psychiatry.12 Still, the journal Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health credit Freud with singling out women and girls for the stigma of hysteria.12



  1. Chauvin JJ, Insel TR. Building the Thermometer for Mental Health. Cerebrum: the Dana Forum on Brain Science. 2018;2018:cer-14-18. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6353119/
  2. Szasz T. The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct. 2nd ed. Harper & Row; 1974.
  3. Tomiyama AJ, Carr D, Granberg EM, et al. How and why weight stigma drives the obesity epidemic and harms health. BMC Med. 2018;16:123. http://doi.org/doi:10.1186/s12916-018-1116-5
  4. Szasz T. The Medicalization of Everyday Life: Selected Essays. Syracuse University Press; 2007.
  5. Baughman FA. The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes “Patients” of Normal Children. Trafford; 2006.
  6. Horwitz AV, Wakefield JC. The Loss of Sadness: How Psychiatry Transformed Normal Sorrow into Depressive Disorder. Oxford University Press; 2007.
  7. Paris J. Overdiagnosis in Psychiatry: How Modern Psychiatry Lost Its Way While Creating a Diagnosis for Almost All of Life’s Misfortunes. Oxford University Press; 2015.
  8. Frances A. Saving Normal: An Insider’s Revolt against out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life. William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins publishers; 2013.
  9. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed; 2013.
  10. Li T, Petrik ML, Freese RL, Robiner WN. Suicides of psychologists and other health professionals: National Violent Death Reporting System data, 2003–2018. Am Psychol. 2022;77(4):551-564. http://doi.org/doi:10.1037/amp0001000
  11. McVean A. The History of Hysteria. Office for Science and Society at McGill University. Published July 31, 2017. Accessed June 8, 2024. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/history-quackery/history-hysteria
  12. Tasca C, Rapetti M, Carta MG, Fadda B. Women and hysteria in the history of mental health. Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health. 2012;8:110-119. http://doi.org/doi:10.2174/1745017901208010110

Medical, Legal, and Metabolic Advice

Here in the USA, jurisdiction matters a lot. It is generally illegal and a bad idea for anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed physician to give medical advice, anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed attorney to give legal advice, anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed nutritionist or registered dietician to give metabolic advice, and so forth. This website's information is generally incomplete to predict how applying it may affect a given visitor - because the effects depend on the person's unique circumstances and characteristics.

So, here is the only medical, legal, and metabolic advice on this website: None of this website is individualized medical, legal, or metabolic advice. It is general information. You should not try to apply any of this information to your life, unless you know what you are doing. Generally, the governments of USA's jurisdictions (states and territories) declare two things through law:

  1. Without the guidance of a jurisdiction-licensed physician, attorney, or nutritionist: you do not know what you are doing, so it is unwise and unsafe for you to make too many decision about your medical, legal, and metabolic status and circumstances, and
  2. no one but a licensed physician, attorney, or nutritionist can safely and effectively advise you about those statuses and circumstances - thus, it is generally illegal for anyone else to try.

Obviously, those standards are extremely conservative, if not heavy-handed. However, one should remember that many of those people in government who uphold such strict standards have seen the stuff of nightmares: predictable, preventable, terrible consequences when the least capable and least conscientious people make the worst decisions - whether medically, legally, nutritionally, or otherwise. So, it is not wildly unreasonable to promote - even to legally command - erring on the safe side. Still, various jurisdictions do provide some exceptions to those exceptionally strict standards under law.

Here in Minnesota (and in many other U.S. states and territories) a person can help you with certain aspects of your medical, legal, and metabolic status and circumstances - even when that person is not formally licensed by the jurisdiction. Minnesota, for example, allows various people besides licensed nutritionists and registered dieticians to give metabolic advice and guidance: certain Complementary and Alternative Health Care providers, which Minnesota allows under law. Minn. Stat. § 146A. Thus, one need not feel completely locked into the strict standards listed above (though jurisdictions do typically still hold alternative providers to certain basic standards under law). Instead, in the USA, one can discuss the information on this website, and receive guidance about it, from various experts - whether jurisdiction-licensed or not. Meanwhile, this thorough and smart-sounding notice and explanation should not tempt any visitor into having any extra trust for the information in this website. At most, as the saying goes: "trust but verify."


Dr. R. Floyd Lindquist

Her Metabolism: Founder, Treasurer, Secretary, Lead Data Scientist, and Director of Communications and Research

PhD (Thanatology), PsyD (Psychology), DLP (Law and Policy), MPH (Nutrition & Epidemiology), MS (Nutrition), MA (Counseling)


Her Metabolism is a Minnesota Nonprofit (501c3)