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Her Metabolism is a Minnesota USA Nonprofit (501c3), offering free nonpartisan evidence-based science and education about her metabolism.


Metzitzah B'peh

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Updated and Verified: September 19, 2024 (News page records significant changes.)

Metzizah B'peh is a form of eugenics, thus a form of human sacrifice. Metzitzah B'peh is where a Rabbi dismembers a baby's penis and then sucks on what remains of the screaming baby's mutilated penis. The legalization of Metzizah B'peh, in New York1 and elsewhere in the United States, is an exception to the general rule that it is illegal to dismember a baby's penis and then suck on what remains of the screaming baby's mutilated penis. Metzitzah B'peh hugely harms her metabolism indirectly by the betrayal of mothers that is routinely part of Metzitzah B'peh.

Metzitzah B'peh Routinely Diseases and Kills Babies

Every year, some of the men who legally dismember and suck a baby's penis are sexually diseased - and infect the screaming, dismembered baby.2-4 Sometimes a sexually diseased man legally dismembering a baby's penis and then sucking on what remains of the screaming baby's mutilated penis - kills the baby.5-7 This dismemberment, diseasing, and death often causes massive indirect harm to the metabolism of the diseased or dead baby's mom, by her sense of betrayal.

The Politicization of Metzitzah B'peh

Generally, it is illegal for a sexually diseased man to dismember a baby's penis and then suck on what remains of the screaming baby's mutilated penis. However, United States governments, in New York and beyond, exempt Metzitzah B'peh from the general rule against dismembering a baby's penis and then sucking on what remains of the screaming baby's mutilated penis. Indeed, during the 2013 race for Mayor of New York City: every single major candidate for Mayor publicly prostrated to New York's leadership - begging to be Mayor and promising to promote and normalize Metzitzah B'peh.8-9 (The candidates included Anthony Weiner,8-9 who safely and confidently spoke publicly of his support for dismembering and sucking on the penises of screaming babies, only to be later convicted of a felony and sent to prison for about two years - for consensually sending pictures of his genitalia to a teen woman.10) Around the same time, medical doctors with the New York Department of Health publicly begged not to be tarred as antisemitic for concluding that sexually diseased babies in New York who had been dismembered and sucked on through Metzitzah B'peh - probably got their sexual disease from the dismembering and sucking.11 Thus, one can reasonably conclude the massive politicization of Metzitzah B'peh - and it is that politicization that leads to Metzitzah B'peh's massive indirect harm to her metabolism.

How Metzitzah B'peh Harms Her Metabolism

As mentioned above, medical doctors with the New York Department of Health have publicly begged not to be tarred as antisemitic for concluding that sexually diseased babies in New York who had been dismembered and sucked on through Metzitzah B'peh - probably got their sexual disease from the dismembering and sucking.11 The doctors were put in that political position because of political calls to - address - Metzitzah B'peh. The calls were not to ban Metzitzah B'peh. They were only calls to require informed consent be given to the parents of the child who is to be dismembered and sucked on, while screaming during Metzitzah B'peh.

The calls were for a law requiring that the parents be told that dismembering a baby's penis and then sucking on what remains of the screaming baby's mutilated penis - can disease the baby and even kill the baby. That was the extent of the calls to address Metzitzah B'peh.8, 11 Meanwhile, one key reason for the concern about informed consent was that plenty Jewish moms - possibly including moms of the babies who are diseased or dead from the ritual - never know that part of the dismemberment ritual is sucking on what remains of the screaming baby's mutilated penis: as a routine part of her religion, she is a second-class citizen who is kept in the dark about the ritual.

Thus, a sense of betrayal will logically plague plenty of the mothers who are kept in the dark while her baby is either or both diseased and killed by Metzitzah B'peh. And that betrayal will tend to cause massive harm to her metabolism.12



  1. Metzitzah B’peh (direct oral suctioning). New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Accessed June 29, 2024. https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/safe-bris.page
  2. Two infants diagnosed with herpes after ‘metzitzah b’peh.’ The Times Of Israel. Published July 25, 2014. Accessed June 29, 2024. http://www.timesofisrael.com/two-infants-diagnosed-with-herpes-after-metzitzah-bpeh
  3. Campanile C. New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision. New York Post. Published March 8, 2017. Accessed June 29, 2024.new-case-of-neonatal-herpes-caused-by-jewish-circumcision/ https://nypost.com/2017/03/08
  4. Oster M. [Four] NY babies get herpes from Jewish circumcision rite in past 6 months. The Times of Israel. Published February 25, 2020. Accessed June 29, 2024. https://www.timesofisrael.com/4-ny-babies-get-herpes-from-jewish-circumcision-rite-in-past-6-months/
  5. Baby dies of herpes in ritual circumcision by orthodox Jews. (2012, March 9). ABC News. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/baby-dies-herpes-virus-ritual-circumcision-nyc-orthodox/story?id=15888618
  6. Poliak DB. Ritual circumcision in the age of germ theory amongst nineteenth-century New York immigrants. Med Hist. 2013;57(4):579-592. https://doi.org/10.1017/mdh.2013.40
  7. Tanne JH. Ultra-Orthodox Jews criticised over circumcision practice. BMJ. 2006;332(7534):137. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1336756/
  8. Democratic Mayoral Candidates Discuss Metzitzah B’peh. YouTube; 2013. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tP0fqaiFlXQ
  9. Amira D. Mayoral candidates take positions on the sucking blood from a baby’s circumcised penis question. Intelligencer. Published May 30, 2013. Accessed June 29, 2024. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2013/05/metzitzah-bpeh-circumcision-mayor-weiner-quinn.html
  10. Anthony Weiner Sentenced to 21 months in prison for transferring obscene material to a minor. United States Department of Justice. Published September 25, 2017. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/anthony-weiner-sentenced-21-months-prison-transferring-obscene-material-minor
  11. NYC Department of Health (DOH) Vote on Metzitzah B’Peh. YouTube; 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qae3smWK4Fg
  12. Informed Consent. HerMetabolism.org. https://hermetabolism.org/informed-consent

Medical, Legal, and Metabolic Advice

Here in the USA, it is generally illegal and a bad idea for anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed physician to give medical advice, anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed attorney to give legal advice, anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed nutritionist or registered dietician to give metabolic advice, and so forth. This website's information is generally incomplete to predict how applying it may affect a given visitor - because the effects depend on the person's unique circumstances and characteristics.

So, here is the only medical, legal, and metabolic advice on this website: None of this website is individualized medical, legal, or metabolic advice. It is general information. You should not try to apply any of this information to your life, unless you know what you are doing. Generally, the governments of USA's jurisdictions (states and territories) declare two things through law:

  1. Without the guidance of a jurisdiction-licensed physician, attorney, or nutritionist: you do not know what you are doing, so it is unwise and unsafe for you to make too many decision about your medical, legal, and metabolic status and circumstances, and
  2. no one but a licensed physician, attorney, or nutritionist can safely and effectively advise you about those statuses and circumstances - thus, it is generally illegal for anyone else to try.

Obviously, those standards are extremely conservative, if not heavy-handed. However, one should remember that many of those people in government who uphold such strict standards have seen the stuff of nightmares: predictable, preventable, terrible consequences when the least capable and least conscientious people make the worst decisions - whether medically, legally, nutritionally, or otherwise. So, it is not wildly unreasonable to promote - even to legally command - erring on the safe side. Still, various jurisdictions do provide some exceptions to those exceptionally strict standards under law.

Here in Minnesota (and in many other U.S. states and territories) a person can help you with certain aspects of your medical, legal, and metabolic status and circumstances - even when that person is not formally licensed by the jurisdiction. Minnesota, for example, allows various people besides licensed nutritionists and registered dieticians to give metabolic advice and guidance: certain Complementary and Alternative Health Care providers, which Minnesota allows under law. Minn. Stat. § 146A. Thus, one need not feel completely locked into the strict standards listed above (though jurisdictions do typically still hold alternative providers to certain basic standards under law). Instead, in the USA, one can discuss the information on this website, and receive guidance about it, from various experts - whether jurisdiction-licensed or not. Meanwhile, this thorough and smart-sounding notice and explanation should not tempt any visitor into having any extra trust for the information in this website. At most, as the saying goes: "trust but verify."


Dr. R. Floyd Lindquist

Her Metabolism: Founder, Treasurer, Secretary, Lead Data Scientist, and Director of Communications and Research

PhD (Thanatology), PsyD (Psychology), DLP (Law and Policy), MPH (Nutrition & Epidemiology), MS (Nutrition), MA (Counseling)


Her Metabolism is a Minnesota Nonprofit (501c3)