Free evidence-based Nonpartisan Science and Education About Her Metabolism
Her Metabolism is a Minnesota USA Nonprofit, with 501(c)(3) status pending, offering free nonpartisan evidence-based science and education about her metabolism.
Updated and Verified: September 10, 2024 (News page records significant changes.)
Accessed on September 10, 2024
Informed consent is essential to her metabolism because informed consent is an important part of the kindness and truthfulness of interactions. Informed consent is "fundamental in both ethics and law" and reflects a person's "right to receive information and ask questions about recommended treatments so that they can make well-considered decisions about care," according to the American Medical Association.1 The National Cancer Institute describes informed consent as a process where she learns "possible risks and benefits about a medical procedure or treatment . . . . to help [her] decide if [she] want[s] to be treated."2 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services emphasizes that informed consent involves an - "ongoing" - exchange of information.3 However, researchers have also warned, for decades, about the limitations of informed consent and the risks of putting too much trust in informed consent.4-5 Still, one can reasonably consider informed consent to be an overall good and important thing. Following are some examples.
Basic military service metabolically harms her as much as 100 times more than him, according to the United State federal government.6 Meanwhile, no evidence suggests that the military ever establishes her informed consent about these massive metabolic risks when soliciting her enlistment as a military service member or commissioning as a military officer.
Source: United States government (reference six, below)
To understand the value of informed consent for her metabolism, one could consider a dangerous and unhealthy situation where informed consent could help. Pornography is an instructive example.
Pornography is a habit destructive to her metabolism that tempts more and more women and girls all the time. Many pornographers and politicians lure women and girls into pornography by promoting pornography as empowering - and safe.7 Meanwhile, informed consent would mean telling her the truth about the routine dangers of pornography. For example, pornography often diseases the blood of those who make it.8 One common metabolic blood disease caused by pornography is sepsis: a "[s]ystemic illness caused by microbial invasion of normally sterile parts of the body."9 Sepsis is one of countless diseases and injuries that demonstrate how her metabolism is completely connected to her immune system. As to equality: research demonstrates that sepsis destroys her metabolism - and even kills her - significantly more easily than sepsis hurts and kills him.10 Thus, sepsis is also one of countless examples of how equality is a dangerous, unscientific, misogynistic myth - with no objective basis - that routinely harms her metabolism.
In any case, one can reasonably imagine how informed consent may metabolically benefit potential pornographers. If she were to receive informed consent that pornography causes sepsis - and that sepsis kills millions of people every year globally11: likely, more than zero women who are thinking about becoming pornographers would decide against starting with pornography - and likely more than zero existing pornographers would quit.
Meanwhile, sepsis via pornography kills women and girls often. Popular media sometimes reports on the sepsis and death.12-15 This leaves one to wonder how many of these routine deaths would not have happened if she had received informed consent about the routine metabolic risks and harms of pornography. Thus, informed consent arises as an important aspect of her metabolism: helping her to make better decisions and choose safer habits.
In the previous example about pornography, one can imagine the betrayal she may feel as a young, dying pornographer: being told how safe and empowering pornography is - only to spend the last days of her short life curled up and dying in her 20s of sepsis, after a few months as a pornographer. One could reasonably consider that betrayal to be the antithesis of informed consent. Thus, an analysis of how betrayal harms her her metabolism may give insight into how informed consent may help her metabolism by guarding her against betrayal. Some traumatologists conceptualize betrayal trauma as trauma amplified by "the degree of closeness between the perpetrator and survivor."16 By this conceptualization, one could reason, for example, as follows: However much sexual violence generally may traumatize someone, still, the violence will traumatize ven more when inflicted by someone in a position of trust or authority. One can reasonably predict that this dynamic will generalize to her metabolism. Indeed, betrayal harms her metabolism.17 This suggests a choice when educating a woman or girl about her metabolism: either the science of informed consent, or else the politics of betrayal.
Here in the USA, it is generally illegal and a bad idea for anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed physician to give medical advice, anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed attorney to give legal advice, anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed nutritionist or registered dietician to give metabolic advice, and so forth. This website's information is generally incomplete to predict how applying it may affect a given visitor - because the effects depend on the person's unique circumstances and characteristics.
So, here is the only medical, legal, and metabolic advice on this website: None of this website is individualized medical, legal, or metabolic advice. It is general information. You should not try to apply any of this information to your life, unless you know what you are doing. Generally, the governments of USA's jurisdictions (states and territories) declare two things through law:
Obviously, those standards are extremely conservative, if not heavy-handed. However, one should remember that many of those people in government who uphold such strict standards have seen the stuff of nightmares: predictable, preventable, terrible consequences when the least capable and least conscientious people make the worst decisions - whether medically, legally, nutritionally, or otherwise. So, it is not wildly unreasonable to promote - even to legally command - erring on the safe side. Still, various jurisdictions do provide some exceptions to those exceptionally strict standards under law.
Here in Minnesota (and in many other U.S. states and territories) a person can help you with certain aspects of your medical, legal, and metabolic status and circumstances - even when that person is not formally licensed by the jurisdiction. Minnesota, for example, allows various people besides licensed nutritionists and registered dieticians to give metabolic advice and guidance: certain Complementary and Alternative Health Care providers, which Minnesota allows under law. Minn. Stat. § 146A. Thus, one need not feel completely locked into the strict standards listed above (though jurisdictions do typically still hold alternative providers to certain basic standards under law). Instead, in the USA, one can discuss the information on this website, and receive guidance about it, from various experts - whether jurisdiction-licensed or not. Meanwhile, this thorough and smart-sounding notice and explanation should not tempt any visitor into having any extra trust for the information in this website. At most, as the saying goes: "trust but verify."
Dr. R. Floyd Lindquist
Her Metabolism: Founder, Treasurer, Secretary, Lead Data Scientist, and Director of Communications and Research
PhD (Thanatology), PsyD (Psychology), DLP (Law and Policy), MPH (Nutrition & Epidemiology), MS (Nutrition), MA (Counseling)
Her Metabolism is a Minnesota Nonprofit (with 501c3 status pending)