HerMetabolism.org -No Daughter Left Behind

Free evidence-based Nonpartisan Science and Education About Her Metabolism

Her Metabolism is a Minnesota USA Nonprofit, with 501(c)(3) status pending, offering free nonpartisan evidence-based science and education about her metabolism.



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Updated and Verified: September 10, 2024 (News page records significant changes.)

Beastiality is the dangerous habit of humans choosing to mimic sexual procreation with animals. Beastiality severely harms her metabolism. Still, some researchers, for example at the International Brazilian Journal of Urology, choose to normalize beastiality by worrying about "reinforcing the moral stereotypes that permeate the term bestiality,"1 (p. 243) so they insist on euphemizing beastiality as sex with animals.1 Other researchers, for example at the Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences, warn against "downplay[ing] the seriousness of [beastiality]."2

Beastiality and the LGBT (etc) Ideology

The dangerous and sometimes deadly habit of beastiality especially interests some members of the LGBT (etc) ideology. Sometimes, members of the LGBT (etc) ideology die by being torn apart internally during their choice to mimic sexual procreation with animals.3

No Good Evidence Suggests that Beastiality is Common in the Normal Population

Some researchers choose to claim that beastiality is relatively commonplace - with millions of people choosing the habit. The Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences published an example of this claim.2 However, no strong evidence or cogent analysis supports the claim that beastiality is common. Instead, researchers reporting that beastiality is common always rely on completely unscientific sources. For example, as mentioned above, the Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences's claims that millions in the U.S. may engage in beastiality: as much as 8.3% of men and 4.6% of women - "in normal population."2 (p. 1) (That reference to normal population is important, as evaluated below.) However, as evidence for this claim, the journal cites two sources: Alfred Kinsey and Playboy.2 Playboy's lack of academic standing speaks for itself. Yet, so does Kinsey's. For example, one of the Kinsey sources that the journal cites2 is Kinsey's 1948 book Sexual behavior in the human male - commonly referred to as the Kinsey Report.4

The Kinsey Report: Normalizing Sexual Violence and Other Degeneracy

Plenty evidence demonstrates that neither Kinsey nor the subjects of his report can be reasonably included as part of normal population. For example, the Kinsey Report argues that a man caused a 4-year-old baby to orgasm "26 [times] in 24 hours.4 (p. 180) The Kinsey Report also argues that a two-month-old baby (and three-, four-, and five-month-old babies) were a man's sexual "partner." 4 p. 161 In the same section, the Kinsey Report describes the sexual torture of babies as "[p]ained or frightened at approach of orgasm"4 p. 161:

[The baby] will fight away from the partner and may make violent attempts to avoid climax, although they derive definite pleasure from the situation.4 p. 161

Thus, on can reasonably infer that the Kinsey Report does not deal with the normal population - but rather sexual degenerates, including baby-rapers. Indeed, many researchers (for example Reisman et al.5) have provided evidence and analysis to demonstrate that the Kinsey Report accepted the self-reporting of baby-rapers - and hid that fact - to concoct the Kinsey Report's argument that (among other violent lies) a man can rape a four-year-old into 26 orgasms in 24 hours: where the Kinsey Report even describes as orgasms situations where the raped baby is violently fighting against the baby-raper.4 p. 161

Thus, again, the Kinsey Report is the unscientific screed of a violent pervert and has no academic weight, despite that some people in academia still choose to echo Kinsey and his hideous and unscientific Report6 - as does Hollywood and other media propagandists around the world.7 Therefore, again, no legitimate evidence suggests the supposed millions of people engaging in beastiality, as reported by the Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences - based on claims by Playboy and Kinsey.2 Meanwhile, beastiality severely harms her metabolism.

Beastiality and Her Metabolism

Beastiality severely harms her metabolism simply by virtue of the various diseases that beastiality routinely causes. Three key examples of diseases whereby beastiality may destroy her metabolism are leptospirosis, echinococcosis, and rabies.8 Leptospirosis commonly arises by beastiality and may cause kidney damage, liver failure, meningitis, and death.8 Echinococcosis commonly arises by beastiality and is a parasite causing cysts, pain, nausea, allergic reaction - and sometimes death if the cysts rupture.8 Rabies commonly arises by beastiality, destroys the central nervous system - and "is nearly always fatal without quick medical intervention."8



  1. Viana LSS, Calsavara VF, Orellana FM, Dutra LPF, Tavares V de S, Zequi S de C. Sex with animals among men attended in referral centers for sexually transmitted infections in northeast Brazil: prevalence, associated factors and behavioral aspects. Int Braz J Urol. 2023;49(2):243-257. http://doi.org/doi:10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2022.0395
  2. Singg S. Health risks of zoophilia/bestiality. J Biol Med Sci. 2017;1:2. https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/health-risks-of-zoophiliabestiality.php?aid=87470
  3. Sullivan J. Enumclaw-area animal-sex case investigated. The Seattle Times. Published July 15, 2005. Accessed July 13, 2024. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/enumclaw-area-animal-sex-case-investigated/
  4. Kinsey AC. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. W.B. Saunders Co.; 1948.
  5. Reisman JA, Eichel EW, Muir JG, Court JH. Kinsey, Sex, and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People: An Investigation into the Human Sexuality Research of Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, and Paul H. Gebhard. Huntington House Publishers; 1990.
  6. The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction. Indiana University. Accessed July 13, 2024. https://archives.iu.edu/repositories/kinsey
  7. Kinsey (2004) - awards. IMDb. Accessed July 13, 2024. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0362269/awards/
  8. Animal sexual abuse. Columbia University. https://goaskalice.columbia.edu/answered-questions/animal-sexual-abuse

Medical, Legal, and Metabolic Advice

Here in the USA, it is generally illegal and a bad idea for anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed physician to give medical advice, anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed attorney to give legal advice, anyone but a jurisdiction-licensed nutritionist or registered dietician to give metabolic advice, and so forth. This website's information is generally incomplete to predict how applying it may affect a given visitor - because the effects depend on the person's unique circumstances and characteristics.

So, here is the only medical, legal, and metabolic advice on this website: None of this website is individualized medical, legal, or metabolic advice. It is general information. You should not try to apply any of this information to your life, unless you know what you are doing. Generally, the governments of USA's jurisdictions (states and territories) declare two things through law:

  1. Without the guidance of a jurisdiction-licensed physician, attorney, or nutritionist: you do not know what you are doing, so it is unwise and unsafe for you to make too many decision about your medical, legal, and metabolic status and circumstances, and
  2. no one but a licensed physician, attorney, or nutritionist can safely and effectively advise you about those statuses and circumstances - thus, it is generally illegal for anyone else to try.

Obviously, those standards are extremely conservative, if not heavy-handed. However, one should remember that many of those people in government who uphold such strict standards have seen the stuff of nightmares: predictable, preventable, terrible consequences when the least capable and least conscientious people make the worst decisions - whether medically, legally, nutritionally, or otherwise. So, it is not wildly unreasonable to promote - even to legally command - erring on the safe side. Still, various jurisdictions do provide some exceptions to those exceptionally strict standards under law.

Here in Minnesota (and in many other U.S. states and territories) a person can help you with certain aspects of your medical, legal, and metabolic status and circumstances - even when that person is not formally licensed by the jurisdiction. Minnesota, for example, allows various people besides licensed nutritionists and registered dieticians to give metabolic advice and guidance: certain Complementary and Alternative Health Care providers, which Minnesota allows under law. Minn. Stat. ยง 146A. Thus, one need not feel completely locked into the strict standards listed above (though jurisdictions do typically still hold alternative providers to certain basic standards under law). Instead, in the USA, one can discuss the information on this website, and receive guidance about it, from various experts - whether jurisdiction-licensed or not. Meanwhile, this thorough and smart-sounding notice and explanation should not tempt any visitor into having any extra trust for the information in this website. At most, as the saying goes: "trust but verify."


Dr. R. Floyd Lindquist

Her Metabolism: Founder, Treasurer, Secretary, Lead Data Scientist, and Director of Communications and Research

PhD (Thanatology), PsyD (Psychology), DLP (Law and Policy), MPH (Nutrition & Epidemiology), MS (Nutrition), MA (Counseling)


Her Metabolism is a Minnesota Nonprofit (with 501c3 status pending)